In operation since 1993, the Lloyd F. Moss Free Clinic (operated by the Fredericksburg Area Regional Health Council, Inc.) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that provides comprehensive health care free of charge to the low-income, uninsured who reside in the Fredericksburg region. With the assistance of hundreds of volunteers, the Clinic provided 12,619 patient visits to 2,157 people in 2015. Additionally, 42,000 prescriptions were filled by our on-site licensed pharmacy. The patient population disproportionately suffer from complicated medical conditions and chronic disease, with at least 75% having at least one chronic illness. An estimated 30% of patients suffer from diabetes.
Over twenty years ago, the Lloyd F. Moss Free Clinic began with medical and non-medical volunteers offering limited services two evenings a week in the old Amy Guest Wing of the old Mary Washington Hospital. Over time, the Clinic has evolved into a unique and essential health care provider that is meeting a critical need in our community. Today, the Clinic operates five days a week and offers both day and evening appointments in a state-of-the-art facility. In 2015, our team of 650 volunteers, including 175 physicians and dentists, provided over 27,900 hours of care and services such as primary and specialty care, women’s health, dental care, mental health, nutrition education, and physical therapy. Patients have access to free diagnostics and specialized procedures (including surgery and chemotherapy) through Mary Washington Health Care, Spotsylvania Regional Medical Center, and other essential community partners. Thanks to the volunteerism of local healthcare professionals and donations of in-kind goods and services, the Clinic’s annual budget of $2.1 million leveraged over $30 million of health care in 2015. The Clinic receives no federal support and depends on monetary contributions from individuals, organizations and businesses to serve people in need each year. In 2016, the Moss Free Clinic expects to provide comprehensive care for over 2,000 residents of the community.
The Moss Free Clinic is governed by a 21-member Board of Directors that meets quarterly and is composed of individuals from a broad cross-section of community interests. The Lloyd F. Moss Free Clinic stands as a shining example of compassionate community service, healthcare volunteerism, and philanthropic support. A reflection of the community from which it is hewn, the Clinic proudly delivers regular, quality, life-sustaining and often life-saving health care to thousands of area residents who would otherwise go without.